4 MAJOR Signs Of A Pregnant Squirrel

Jasmine Okechukwu
4 Signs Of A Pregnant Squirrel

Imagine being one of the very few animal lovers that can identify the signs of a pregnant squirrel even in the early stages, pretty epic right? Squirrels are known to be sneaky and adorable at the same time.

While a lot of people would prefer to discourage them from coming to their yards, others are welcoming.

Mainly because of how interesting it is to watch them scamper about on trees and fences. But do you know what is more fascinating to watch? You probably guessed right, it is the sight of life as it grows inside your favorite squirrel or pet. 

You find yourself anticipating what the babies would look like, and the sense of protecting the mom-to-be waxes strong with each passing day. But then how can you be sure a squirrel is pregnant or just generally adding weight?

There are lots of pointers that can help you discern if a squirrel is pregnant or not. Some of these hints include a change in behavioral pattern, visible nipples, weight gain around the belly, and tail and limb size. 

Unlike every other bigger animal, It’s hard to tell if a squirrel is pregnant (because of its petite size) but it is possible. This article promises to do the dead level best to show you how to detect correctly if a squirrel is pregnant.

So let’s get into it right away. 

What Are The Signs Of A Pregnant Squirrel?

There are different types and sizes of squirrels, while some can be skinny, others can be fat, or of medium size. In fact, male squirrels are usually slightly bigger and furrier than female squirrels. 

For this reason, you can not certainly tell if a squirrel is because of its size or body mass. However, occasionally the size may be a hint but there are other obvious signs to look out for that can help you determine if a squirrel is expecting and they are;

pregnant squirrel
Source: Mark Robinson / Wikimedia Commons

1. Change In Behavioral Pattern

If you are very observant, it won’t be hard to identify a pregnant squirrel. There is surely going to be a behavioral difference that won’t be difficult to spot. Most pregnant squirrels are usually less active, you might notice that they would rather be in their nest resting than be out socializing with the others. 

A pregnant squirrel would be avoided by other males as her mating days are behind her for the time being.

Expecting squirrels will eat more, and drink more than they usually do. They are also fond of building multiple nests in preparation for the babies to come. She searches for food more and stores them in the nest. 

2. Visible Nipples

Like every other mammal, the body of the squirrel would definitely give them out as the nipples become more profound and noticeable.

This shows that their body is getting ready for breastfeeding their offspring. You won’t be able to observe this sign if the squirrel isn’t standing but when she does stand and you catch a glimpse of noticeable nipples then we have a prego squirrel! 

3. Weight Gain Around The Belly

The tummy will certainly get bigger and rounder, it will almost look like the squirrel swallowed a crabapple. This is incredibly hard to miss, it is usually the first thing you might notice before observing other hints. During the last days of gestation, the squirrel’s belly might begin to touch the ground and will take the form of a pear. 

4. The Tail And Limb Size

This is another way to identify a pregnant squirrel. You may need to check out its tail and limbs to be confident that the squirrel is expecting. If the tail is fatter than usual and limbs shorter than average among other things then voila you have a pregnant squirrel in your hands. 

eating squirrel

Different Squirrels And Their Gestation Period

There are different species of squirrels and each type has a distinct gestation period unique to them. The table below illustrates the different kinds of squirrels and their gestation period. 

Different Species Of Squirrels

Gestation Period (In Days)
Red squirrels32-38 days
Eastern grey squirrels44 days
Fox squirrels44-45 days
Chipmunks28-35 days
Flying squirrels39-40 days
Black giant squirrels32 days
Green bush squirrels55 days

Frequently Asked Questions 

What do I feed a pregnant squirrel?

Pregnant squirrels will require a lot of vegetables, nuts, fruits, and seeds. Do not forget to add plenty of water to their diets as they are mostly dehydrated. Expecting squirts must eat a good source of vitamin D, calcium, and other minerals to maintain good health for them and their kits. 

How many babies do squirrels have per pregnancy? 

A female squirrel can give birth to 2-6 babies but they can also have a maximum of 9 kits per litter. The number of kits or kittens a female squirrel can have per pregnancy depends on a few factors such as her age and the species of a squirrel she falls under. These babies are naturally both blind and without fur. 

How long will a squirrel nurse her babies?

Squirrels usually take care of her kits for as long as 10-12 weeks. By this time, the babies can see clearly and scout for food on their own. After nursing them long enough, she sends them out of her nest. She might proceed to get pregnant for the second and last time of the year. And then the circle continues the next year. 


Squirrels are socializing animals that you can mostly find in trees around you and packs.

Their breeding season falls between May to November of every year and breeding season usually differs for the different species of squirrels that exist. It is however pleasing to be able to identify pregnant squirrels from the others. 

The signs of pregnancy in squirrels might not be as easy to discern but they can be pretty obvious too. The gestation period for every type of squirrel also differs, as some take a longer time than others.

After birthing their kits, nursing squirrels will take care of them for about 10 weeks before sending them out to start a life on their own. 

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