Dog Whines To Go Out But Doesn’t Potty (What To Do)

Jasmine Okechukwu
Dog Whines To Go Out But Doesn't Potty

There is nothing worse than a restless pup who whines incessantly to go outside, only to come back in without using the bathroom. It is frustrating for both the dog and its owner who just wants to provide their furry friend with some much-needed relief.

My advice? Calm down and worry not, as there are solutions to this common canine conundrum. Perhaps your dog is simply seeking attention or wants to explore their surroundings. Or maybe they are distracted by the sight and smell of squirrels lurking around and waiting for them to poop.

Whatever the reason may be there are steps you can take to help your furry friend learn proper potty habits and avoid unnecessary whining.

So get a hold of your leash and let’s explore some techniques to ensure that your dog’s potty breaks are successful and totally stress-free.

Reasons Why Dogs Whine To Go Out But Don’t Go Potty

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Trust me when I say, your dog isn’t trying to frustrate you on purpose. These are the possible reasons why dogs whine to go outside without pooping;

  1. Dogs that have not been properly trained to go potty outside may whine to go outside but will be clueless as to what they are supposed to do once they are outside.
  2. Some dogs may whine and ask to go outside as a way of seeking attention from their owners, even when they do not feel pressed enough to use the bathroom.
  3. Dogs that are anxious or fearful may whine to show signs of distress when it is time to go potty, making it difficult for them to relax enough to do their business.
  4. It is very normal for dogs to be easily distracted by noises, smells, or other stimuli outside of the house. This will make them forget the main reason why they were outside in the first place.
  5. Medical problems such as kidney disease, UTIs, and constipation can also be a potential cause of this behavior.

How To Stop This Behaviour

As a pet owner, stopping a dog from whining to go out but not going potty can be frustrating and challenging at the same time. Nonetheless, there are strategies and techniques you can try out that can help your dog overcome this behavior and they are as follows;

1. Establish A Consistent Routine

It is best to implement a regular potty break schedule for your dog and stick to it. Make sure to take them at the same time every day to help them understand when it is time to go potty.

2. Use Positive Reinforcement

Always praise and reward your dog every time they successfully go potty outside. Positive reinforcement can also help encourage your dog to repeat the desired behavior and discourage frustrating behaviors.

3. Limit Access To Water And Food

Control the times when your dog will have access to water and food to prevent them from feeling pressed all the time, avoid potty accidents and also facilitate proper potty training.

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4. Create A Calm Environment

If your dog has proven to be easily distracted from doing his or her business, you should consider creating a calm environment by taking the dog to a quiet and low-stress place for potty breaks. This will help them relax and focus on what needs to be done.

5. Use Crate Training

Consider crate training your dog to help them develop good control over their bladder and bowels. This technique can be particularly helpful for both young puppies and dogs with the potential for separation anxiety.

6. Assess Medical Issues

If none of the above solutions work, then it is time to consult the vet to determine if your doggo is experiencing any form of illness or underlying health condition that might be triggering this behavior.

Do not forget that stopping or discouraging this behavior will demand some time and patience, so just be consistent and persistent as well. With some effort, your dog can develop spotless potty habits and become a well-adjusted member of your home.


Managing a dog that whines to go out but would not go potty is a frustrating experience, however, with consistent training as well as patience, it is very possible to stop this behavior.

Pet owners need to understand that this unwelcome behavior is caused by several factors. Also, the strategies discussed in this article can all help keep this behavior at bay, and help your dog become a happier and well-trained companion.

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