Can Dogs Eat Homemade Vegetable Soup?

Jasmine Okechukwu
Can Dogs Eat Homemade Vegetable Soup?

Can dogs eat homemade vegetable soup? When it comes to what we feed our furry friends a lot of care has to be taken. We want to make sure they get all the required nutrition they need as well as give them a treat that they would enjoy.

Notwithstanding there are foods that are great for us humans but bad for dogs. Knowing meals that are good for dogs and what can cause harm to them is necessary. So you made vegetable soup and you are wondering if it’s a good idea to share it with your dog.

Yes, dogs can eat homemade vegetable soup as long as ingredients that could cause harm to them are not added to the soup. Vegetable soup is packed with a lot of nourishments that can improve the health of your four-legged friend. 

Do not be hesitant to share that nourishing goodness with your dog, they would love it just as much as you do. Whether warm, cool or chilled it doesn’t matter they would enjoy it either way.

This article will provide you with clear information about everything you need to know about feeding homemade vegetable soup to your dog. 

Is It Safe For Dogs to Eat Homemade Vegetable Soup?

Yes, your dog is going to love vegetable soup. Dogs have similar stomach anatomy as humans meaning vegetable soup can be highly nutritious to them as much as it is to humans. Vegetable soup is rich in a unique set of nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes which are nearly as many nutrients gotten from meat. 

If your dog is having trouble eating solid food due to medical issues like diarrhea, winter flu, vomiting, or digestion difficulties, vegetable soup is the best bet. Homemade vegetable soup is also a way to care for sick dogs if special food is required for them

However it doesn’t necessarily have to be when your dog is sick, some dog owners prefer to alter their dogs’ meal plan every once in a while just to switch things up a bit. Vegetable soup can serve as a delicious surprise for your furry companion. It is inexpensive and can be enjoyed by you and your dog. 

Moving on, there are ingredients to look out for when considering serving homemade vegetable soup to your dog and they will be examined below.  

Ingredients In Vegetable Soup That Can Cause Harm To Dogs

Before serving your dog this homemade meal you must know that there are a few basic ingredients that might not go down well with their system. And salt is one of those dangerous ingredients in foods that can cause health issues for dogs.

Although dogs can tolerate it very minimally, when it is too much it can get them sick. The excessive salt content in food can result in vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, loss of appetite, kidney damage, and worst-case scenario death.

Wild mushrooms are also something to avoid for dogs. They could be poisonous and can cause vomiting, wheezing, diarrhea, heart problems, organ failure, convulsions, and general weakness when consumed by dogs. Although store-bought mushrooms are not harmful to canines, wild mushrooms can be very toxic. 

Garlic and onion powder is another harmful ingredient for dogs. If you wish to share your homemade soup with your dog or you are simply making it exclusively for them do not add garlic and onions in the soup, it can be destructive to their red blood cells which ultimately leads to hemolytic anemia.

Healthy Homemade Vegetable Soup For Dogs

Vegetable soups are delicious treats for dogs but not all are safe for them, however, these are some of the approved vegetable soups that you can prepare for your dog’s benefit. 

1. Carrot And Chicken Soup

Image: ADayInTheKitchen / Get The Recipe.

This soup contains vitamins A, K, and B, it also consists of beta carotene, fats, amino acid, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus which are essential nutrients for the health of your dog. Veterinarians recommend this soup for all dogs including those with malnutrition or skin and fur problems. Carrot soup can be used for dogs with acute diarrhea, it is a remedy that helps keep dogs hydrated when sick.

2. Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin Soup
Image: Herbs&Flour / Get The Recipe.

Pumpkin soup is an excellent meal for dogs, it is very rich in fiber and can help combat diarrhea and constipation in dogs. It is also very beneficial for your four-legged pals’ intestinal health.

3. Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower Soup
Image: JessInTheKitchen / Get The Recipe.

Cauliflower helps reduce inflammation, it doesn’t contain any toxins making it completely safe for dogs. Vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, fiber, calcium, and potassium are nutrients that your dog can enjoy from this meal. 

4. Broccoli Soup

Broccoli Soup
Image: CookieAndKate / Get The Recipe.

Broccoli soup is known to help reduce heart diseases and is good for your dog’s digestive system. It is rich in fiber and vitamin C but be sure to serve this in moderation to your dog. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs eat canned vegetable soup?

No, canned soup is very high in sodium which can cause kidney or organ failures in dogs. Also, these canned vegetable soups might be loaded with onions and garlic which can attack the red blood cells of dogs. 

Is tomato soup good for dogs?

No, you should avoid tomato soups for dogs. Tomato soup is not completely safe, as it contains added salt, and sugar as well as onion, and garlic. Only if these ingredients are not used in tomato soup then it is safe. 

What vegetables can dogs eat?

There are tons of vegetables that dogs enjoy and they include sweet potatoes, carrots, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, pumpkins, cucumbers, bananas, kale, spinach, celery, and Brussel sprouts. 


Like humans, dogs are omnivores, they can enjoy both meat and plants. This simply means that vegetable soup can be fed to dogs as well. Vegetable soup has a variety of minerals and vitamins that can improve the health of your dog. 

However, excessive salt, garlic, onions, and wild mushrooms should be avoided as they can cause health complications to dogs. This article compiled a list of vegetable soups that are safe and healthy for dogs.

Additionally, always check in with a veterinarian for medical suggestions on what’s best for your dog. 

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