Can Cats Eat Tomato Soup?

Jasmine Okechukwu
Can Cats Eat Tomato Soup?

You may be wondering if it is safe for cats to eat tomato soup. If you are a lover of tomato soup and your cat meows anytime it finds you eating it, your cat might love it too.

However, what seems unknown to you is why your cat is drawn to a vegetable soup such as tomato soup. Well, why not? Cats too can enjoy human foods. In fact, sometimes I reckon they prefer our food over theirs. 

Many people enjoy the warmth and delicious goodness of a bowl of tomato soup and it is only normal to want to share this dish with your pet cat. But can cats eat tomato soup?

No, cats cannot eat tomato soup. As much as it hurts to not give this to your cat, it is for their health’s sake. Cats are susceptible to the majority of ingredients used to prepare this dish, they can face some health risks if given in large portions. 

Ripe tomatoes are no threat to cats so there is nothing wrong with feeding your feline tomatoes, however, the issue is with the soup. This article will give you detailed information on whether it’s safe for cats to eat tomato soup as well as get you familiar with everything you need to know about this topic.

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Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Tomato Soup?

Before you feed your cat tomato soup, you need to answer these questions, does the tomato soup contain toxic ingredients? Is it homemade or canned? Are the tomatoes used to prepare the soup ripe or unripe?

The answer to these questions might be able to help determine if the tomato soup is good to go for your cat

If the tomato soup is homemade and precautions were taken not to add toxic ingredients like sodium, garlic, and onions in the soup or that the tomatoes used are ripe, then perhaps you can give it to your cat. But if not, it’s best to avoid it altogether. 

Canned tomato soup may be good for you but it is not a cat-friendly food option. They contain harmful components that could have terrible effects on your cat. And these ingredients will be discussed below.

cat having a meal

Ingredients In Tomato Soups To Watch Out For

Generally speaking, cats can have tomato soup only on the condition that extra care is taken and that some of these ingredients are used to make the soup;

1. Salt

Humans are advised to ensure that they do not consume too much salt as it could be detrimental to our health, the same applies to cats and animals as a whole. Excessive salt consumption can lead to sodium ion poisoning which can result in dehydration, disorientation, seizures, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

The effects can be very severe and this is why extra care must be taken. Canned tomato soup always contains more salt than your cat needs. Although some will prefer to give them to their cat in moderation, it is wise to play with them safely and avoid feeding them to your cat. 

2. Unripe Tomatoes 

Of course, to make tomato soup you will definitely need tomatoes but surely not the unripe ones especially if you plan to share it with your feline friend.

So now if you wish to give your cat homemade tomato soup, make use of ripe tomatoes otherwise you may be putting your cat at risk. Unripe tomatoes contain high solanine levels which expose your cat to developing health problems like slowed heart rates, lethargy, stomach aches, and nausea. 

3. Garlic And Onions

We love to spice up tomato soup with garlic and onions, tomato soup really doesn’t taste the same without these two ingredients but if you plan to extend this dish to your cat, you must avoid them. Garlic and onions make cats vulnerable to dehydration, food poisoning, and digestive problems.

Hungry cat
Image: @robinmccauley via Twenty20

4. Milk/Cream

A lot of cats may find it difficult to digest cow milk or cream because they are lactose intolerant so it’s best to skip this ingredient entirely. For a creamy texture, you can blend in some potatoes or go for dairy-free products instead.

5. Herbs

You may have to drop grandma’s special tomato soup recipe for your cat if it contains herbs like parsley, mint, and oregano as they would certainly upset your cat’s stomach. Other herbs like basil, thyme, cilantro, and rosemary are not harmful to your pet, so they are good to go. 

6. Butter

Butter is not exactly bad for cats but it is fattening, your feline friend can add a lot of weight if they consume meals with butter excessively and frequently. That being said, it’s best to use little or no butter if you plan to give your cat a plate of tomato soup. 


A lot of people do not know the dangers of feeding their cats with tomato soup, I mean why not share this tasty dish with your feline friend? Could anything go wrong? Well, a ton of things go wrong if you are not mindful.

And unless you plan to prepare this dish yourself with extra care, tomato soup is not safe for your cat. 

Canned tomato soup due to its high sodium content could pose several health risks that could be severe for your cat so it’s best to not add it to your cat’s diet. However, if your cat eats tomato soup and gets sick, severe or not, it’s best to take them to the vet immediately. 

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