Can Cats Eat Miso Soup?

Jasmine Okechukwu
Can Cats Eat Miso Soup?

It is relatable to wonder if your cat can eat miso soup. A couple of times cat owners are tempted to share their meals with their pets. Miso soup being one of those meals is a perfectly nutritious and delicious meal that could provide warmth and utmost satisfaction to the body, especially during winter. 

Miso soup, which takes its origin from Japan, is an awesome remedy for colds and flu. It can serve as an immune booster as it is packed with minerals and vitamins essential to the body.

Now is it not amazing enough for cats to enjoy? Can cats eat miso soup?

No, cats should not be fed miso soup. Although miso soup is practically harmless and beneficial to humans, it can be toxic to your cat. However, offering them a few spoons of your miso soup might be safe, a full bowl of miso soup could just be destructive to your cat’s digestive system. 

Cats may seem tough and strong but some human foods can be a terrible choice for them, mostly because some key ingredients in these foods can influence some health complications for them. 

In this article, you will find out if felines can eat miso soup and other safe soup options for cats. So dig deeper into this topic. 

Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Miso Soup?

No, cats can’t have miso soup, as there are a lot of health risks that are to be considered. It is helpful to alter your cat’s diet every once in a while and introduce them to a different meal rather than the usual meal they are used to.

But when this idea comes to mind, consider other safe meals but miso soup. 

However, miso soup is best given to cats in very little portions or in moderation as it won’t cause any harm in small quantities.

Do not get tempted to give your cat more simply because your cat seems to appreciate it. Sometimes animals don’t understand how dangerous some meals are to them, it’s just best to indulge them in little portions of miso soup or nothing at all.

Why Is Miso Soup Bad For Cats?

So you know miso soup is a terrible choice for cats but you don’t know why. Alright, hear me out. Miso soup contains a lot of ingredients that can trigger unfavorable reactions in cats. These ingredients are believed to be debilitating to their digestive system which further leads to health conditions. 

These ingredients that are bad for cats include garlic, onions, salt, soy, and mushrooms. These ingredients are pretty much harmless if not beneficial to humans but most definitely not the same for our feline friends. 

Hungry cat
Image: @robinmccauley via Twenty20

Health Risks Of Miso Soup To Cats

It is not news anymore that miso soup can jeopardize your cat’s health, because of the dangerous ingredients that make up the soup. Moving on, these are the risks of feeding miso soup to cats;

1. Sodium Poisoning

Sodium poisoning doesn’t just sound dangerous, it is dangerous. It can result in vomiting, seizures, loss of appetite, nausea, regular urination, lethargy, and in severe cases death.  These health consequences don’t show signs immediately when you feed your cat miso soup, it occurs when you frequently serve this meal to your cat. 

2. Dehydration

Miso soup has high salt content that could cause your cat to be dehydrated. You can tell your cat is dehydrated when its nose is dry, and when it constantly drinks water and urinates. Loss of appetite is another indication of dehydration in cats. 

3. Gastroenteritis

Garlic and onions are very bad for cats, miso soup contains these ingredients. When cats consume too much garlic and onions it’s at the risk of developing gastroenteritis. When your cat has this health condition they show signs of vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea, drooling, and mouth irritation. 

4. Soy Allergy

Although soy allergies in cats are rare, they can also experience adverse reactions to soy. use reactions to soy. Soy is one of the common foods that cause allergies in cats. The symptoms of these conditions are very severe which is why it is recommended that this soup be avoided for cats. 

3 Homemade Soup Safe For Cats

New, safer options for your feline.

chicken vegetable soup

1. Chicken Broth Soup

Chicken soup is suitable for cats, it is rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals that are essential for cats. Since it is homemade, ensure not to add too much salt to the soup, and also do not avoid adding garlic and onions. 

2. Catnip Soup

Catnip soup is safe for cats but it should be served in small quantities. Catnip soup has medicinal effects, it can help relax your cats and improve their sleeping habits. However, it is best to not serve cats this soup in excess. 

3. Beef And Pork Bone Broth Soup

This soup can be a great addition to your cat’s diet. It is a nutritious packed meal rich in calcium and proteins that can help strengthen their bones and joints and also improve their appetite. It can boost their appetite and provide warmth to them in winter. 

Summing up

Miso soup is an ideal meal for humans as it can help reduce the symptoms of colds and flu while at the same time nourishing their bodies with essential nutrients.

On the contrary, it can be detrimental to a cat’s health as the main ingredients in the soup can trigger some unfavorable responses.

However, cats can have miso soup in moderation, but this article recommends that it shouldn’t be offered to cats at all. 

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