My Dog Smells Like Dirty Socks (What to Do)

My Dog Smells Like Dirty Socks

If you are one of those complaining about their dogs smelling like dirty socks or sweaty feet, I completely know how you feel. In most cases your dog initially doesn’t stink but suddenly develops a foul odor, then you start wondering what you are doing wrong and how to resolve this issue.

First, it is best to figure out and determine where the smell is coming from or where the smell is mostly strong, it can be from the dog’s ear, feet, or even the skin. After you’ve figured out where the odor is coming from then it’s time to figure out the reasons for the stinky smell.

On occasions when you notice a foul odor when you are with your pet, take note that this is not normal, and this may make you lose your temper with your dog and cause a breach in the relationship.

Nonetheless, bear in mind that there are reasons behind what you perceive and can be a result of certain health conditions especially when your dog doesn’t usually smell bad.

If you are clueless about why your dog smells like socks and the best ways to get him smelling fresh just like he used to you have come to the right place. This article will disclose everything you need to know if you find yourself in this situation.

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Reasons Your Dog Smells Like Dirty Socks

Dogs can stink for several reasons, and the following are the potential reasons why your dog smells like dirty socks;

1. Skin Infection (Pyoderma)

This is the most common reason why your dog smells like dirty socks. The first sign of skin Infection in dogs is bad skin odor which can be stinky cheese, rancid or musty.

Other symptoms include excessive scratching/licking, rash, flaking skin, and hair thinning. Below are common causes of skin Infection in dogs:

  • Allergies – Your dog might be allergic to certain foods, inhalants, and even what they come in contact with.
  • Canine Seborrhea (oily skin with dandruff).
  • Hormone Imbalance.
  • A fungus or parasite.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Infected scratches or bites.
  • Moist skin folds that lead to the growth of bacteria.

What To Do

To treat any skin infections in dogs you need to consult your dog’s veterinarian for a proper diagnosis. Treatment varies from one diagnosis to another. To treat allergies and hormone Imbalances you will need to change your dog’s diet.

For dermatitis, parasites, and fungus, you will need both internal and external medication. In other to prevent the growth of bacteria in skin folds, you will have to keep them clean and dry regularly. Bathe your dog often with antibacterial soap to keep their skin and hair smelling nice but don’t overdo it.

2. Ear Infection

This is another common reason your dog smells bad. That offensive odor can come from your dog’s ear if infected.

Bacteria infections can develop in your dog’s ear if not kept clean and dry. There are lots of hair inside and around your dog’s ear, and this can prevent them from drying up easily (as dogs love splashing in the water).

What To Do

To treat ear infections in dogs you will need to take your dog to see a veterinarian for a proper examination. Ear infections can be painful at times, treat your pooch right away to ease the pain.

3. Bad Teeth

The mouth of your pooch can get infected and begin to stink, and this can be a result of a dental problem. There are bacteria build up along the gum line, there is also the heavy build-up of tartar, and dental infection which ends up producing a bad odor from your dog.

A mouth infection can sometimes be painful and can result in a very serious case. Bad mouth odor in dogs can also be a result of gastrointestinal issues, kidney, and liver, or diabetes.

Symptoms include bad breath and red or bleeding gums. Your dog might find it difficult to chew on food as their teeth might become loose and then cause them pain.

What To Do

Do not hesitate to take your dog to see a veterinarian to treat the infection causing the mouth odor. Once this is treated, the foul odor will be gone.

sad dog

4. Yeast Infections

This is a common problem in dogs and this causes a pungent smell like dirty socks. Yeast infections can result in ear problems and smelly skin. Sometimes yeast infection is caused by allergies which create inflammation of the skin.

What To Do

Look out for the symptoms of yeast infection which include itchy paws, ears, and butt. To treat yeast infections in dogs please consult your veterinarian for the best antifungal medication for treatment. Treatment can be either topical or oral.

5. Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections can make your dog stink. This kind of infection exists in dogs just as it is in humans and can be very painful for both dogs and humans.

Some of the symptoms of this infection include pain when urinating and the presence of blood in the urine. Your dog tends to urinate frequently which makes them drink more water than usual.

What To Do

For adequate treatment visit your veterinarian to check your dog for infection, kidney stones, and diabetes. Proper medication and prescriptions will be given to them to tackle the pain and infection. Always cut your dog’s hair so it doesn’t get wet when the dog urinates and thereby preventing it from stinking.

6. Anal Glands Odor

The impacted anal glands are located at the back end of your dog which is on both sides of your dog’s rectum. When your dog passes a stool an oily secretion is released in those glands. It stinks and smells like rotten fish.

If those odor-producing glands are not expressed they will get filled up and become infected releasing a foul odor. Symptoms include a bad fishy smell which will be left on every place your dog lays.

What To Do

To treat this problem visit your veterinarian to fully empty those glands to ease the pain. Try changing your dog’s diet and feeding them high-fiber food.

Final Thoughts

Every problem has a solution. Figure out the problem your dog has and what causes bad odor in them.

Check to see where the smell is coming from and the particular smell it produces. Your veterinarian will generally be of help.

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