12 Cat Breeds That Do Not Shed (2024)

12 Cat Breeds That Do Not Shed 

Cats are some of the most adorable pets to own. While many people love cats, many worry about cleaning up their fur and the need to groom them from time to time.

If you love cats but hate the stress of cleaning up their fur, you might wonder if any cats may not shed or shed less. The truth is that there are lots of breeds of cats that do not shed or shed minimally.

In this article, we have collated 12 cat breeds that do not shed and just how to care for them.

12 Cats That Do Not Shed

Here are the 12 cat breeds that don’t shed;

1. Sphynx Cats

Sphynx Cats

Sphynx is one of the known of the popularly known hairless cats. While they are not completely bald, you will not have to worry about shedding, cleaning, and grooming them.

They only have a small bit of fur, which is mostly seen around their nose. Its wrinkled skin and big ears identify the sphynx. This cat is perfect for anyone who may love cats but is looking for cats that do not shed.

Although sphinx is hairless, you may be required to give them some basic grooming, this is because all cats secrete oil from their skin, and cleaning their body from time to time helps in reducing the oil in their skin. Sphynx is also suitable for families with children

2. Peterbald Cats

Peterbald Cats

A Peterbald is a Russian cat breed that sometimes comes with some silky undercoat, course wavy undercoat, soft velour-like fuzz, or completely bald. Although Peterbald cats can come in different varieties of coats, they are still regarded as hairless.

Peterbald is an adorable cat to own as a pet and this is largely a result of its large ears. They are affectionate and are often seen around their loved ones because of their love for attention.

We love that the Peterbald cats are active and loving. Peterbald is your cat if you want a loving yet, low shedding cat. 

3. Cornish Rex

Cornish Rex

The cornish rex is another cat breed that you do not have to worry about its shedding! The cat breed has a unique head, eyes, and ear shape. The cat has a triangular-shaped head and large eyes and ears, with the eyes being golden.

All of these have contributed to its cuteness. Although cornish rex has hair, it is curly and close to its body, which means it sheds less than other cat breeds. You may find some cornish rex to have no fur at all.

If you have allergies and do not want cats with furs, then the cornish rex may be the ideal one for you. They are so friendly and can be curious. With this cat, you have a playmate! 

4. Devon Rex

Devon Rex Cats

The Devon rex cat breed is similar to the Cornish rex, in that they both have curly fur. This indicates that just like the cornish rex, you will not have to worry about having to clean up the furs of your cats or grooming them. 

They also have large ears, like the cornish rex; however, they differ in the shape of their face. We love that the devon rex is a playful and outgoing cat. This means they can stay active for a long time.

They also love to change their sleeping positions. If you intend to get a Devon Rex, you should be ready to get as many play tools as possible. The devon rex is suitable for homes with many people in it. 

5. Siamese Cats


The Siamese breed is regarded as one of the most beautiful cats in the world, and we agree! Their long, silky hair is irresistible to look at and touch. While the Siamese have hair, they are low-maintenance coats, so you do not have to worry about them shedding or grooming them occasionally.

You only have to brush them with a fine-tooth comb, and they are good to go. They shed minimally and will not leave hair and dirt everywhere in your home. We especially love their distinct blue eyes and large ears.

They come in different colors that you can choose from. We love that Siamese are friendly and do not require as much training or attention. If you are a busy person who loves and wants a cat, this might be your best cat breed. 

6. Donskoy Cats

Donskoy cats

This lovely cat is also known as Russian hairless, Don hairless, or Don sphynx. While many people mistake this cat for the sphynx, they are different.

The Donskoy gets its hairlessness from autosomal inherited, which is a dominant gene. However, in the case of the sphynx, it gets its hairlessness from recessive gene mutilation. The Donskoy is perfect for people who may not want a cat that sheds or has hair.

Although you may find that some Donskoy grows hair during the winter or when the weather is cold, they only shed them when the temperature is warm; however, this is nothing to worry or stress about. 

7. Minskin

Minskin is another cat breed that doesn’t shed a lot. It is a relatively new breed, created in the late 1990s by breeding Sphynx and Devon Rex cats. Minskins are small, with short legs and hairless bodies except for some fur on their faces, ears, paws, and tails.

One of the unique features of Minskins is their friendly temperament. They are known to be social creatures that love being around people and other pets. This makes them great companions for families or individuals who want a furry friend to keep them company at home.

Despite having no fur, Minskins still require grooming to maintain healthy skin and prevent infections. Regular baths and moisturizing creams can help keep their skin supple and free from dryness or irritation We love that Minskins have a personality that makes them fun to be around.

Like most cats, they enjoy playing with toys or chasing laser pointers. If you’re looking for an affectionate pet that won’t shed much hair all over your house, the Minskin might be the perfect fit for you!

8. Bengal Cats

Bengal Cats

Who doesn’t love a Bengal? The Bengal cats are popularly known for their exotic and pretty coat. They resemble a mix of domestic and wild cats.

We love that they have coats that resemble that of a leopard. Much more, we love that their lovely coats shed minimally, giving their human family no stress when grooming and cleaning.

These cats are quite intelligent, adventurous, curious, and affectionate. They are quite active and enjoy playing; however, they need some exercise and stimulation. Do you desire an engaging companion that doesn’t shed? Then the Bengal cat is for you. 

9. Bombay Cats

Bombay Cats

Bombay is an excellent choice for cats that do not shed. This breed has short black fur that’s easy to maintain and doesn’t require frequent brushing or grooming. Bombay cats are known for their affectionate personalities and love nothing more than snuggling up with their humans.

They’re also highly intelligent and playful, making them great companions for families with children or other pets. Despite their sleek appearance, Bombays have a muscular build and are surprisingly strong.

They enjoy playing fetch and chasing after toys, so be sure to provide plenty of opportunities for exercise. You may be required to pay attention to their diet as this cat is prone to weight gain. You will be required to provide them opportunities to play and exercise and monitor them for overeating. 

10. Japanese Bobtail Cats

Japanese Bobtail Cats

The Japanese Bobtail is a unique breed that originated in Japan. These cats are known for their short tails, which make them stand out from other breeds. They are medium-sized cats with slender bodies and long legs.

One of the best things about the Japanese Bobtail is that they do not shed much hair. This makes them an excellent choice for people who want a cat but don’t want to deal with excessive shedding or allergies caused by pet dander.

We love that the Japanese bobtail cats are friendly and outgoing, this makes them a perfect companion for families with other pets and children.

They are also intelligent and can be easily trained to perform simple tricks like fetching objects or walking on a leash. If you’re looking for a unique breed that’s easy to care for, will not shed, and has plenty of personalities, consider adopting a Japanese Bobtail.

11. Singapura Cats

Singapura Cats

The Singapura cat is a small and playful breed that has captured the hearts of many pet owners. Known for their curious and adventurous personalities, these cats are great companions for those who love an active and energetic pet.

One of the best things about Singapuras is that they do not shed much hair, making them ideal pets for people with allergies or those who don’t want to deal with excessive grooming. Their short coat requires minimal maintenance, which means less time spent brushing or cleaning up after them.

We also love that the Singapura has a unique appearance, which separates and makes it distinct from other pets. They have large ears, almond-shaped eyes, and a distinctive ticked tabby coat pattern that gives them a wild look reminiscent of their Southeast Asian origins.

Although singapura are small, they have big personalities and are known for being incredibly affectionate towards their human companions. They also love to cuddle up on laps or play games like fetch with toys.

If you’re looking for a fun-loving companion who won’t leave hair all over your home, the Singapura could be just what you need!

12. Bambino Cats

Bambino Cats

The bambino is one of our favorite cat breeds. This cat results from the cross-breed between the sphynx and the munchkin. This is why the cat is identified by its hairlessness and its short legs.

The Bambino cat comes in black, white, cream, brown, fawn, etc. Its beautiful blue eyes also identify it. The Bambino means baby or child in Italian; the cat has this name because of its size. 

As you must have guessed, the bambino is hairless. However, you may find that some bambinos have tiny fur in some parts of their body, such as the face, ears, legs, and tail. Bambinos can be outgoing, affectionate, and can be playful. They can also be rare and expensive. 

How To Reduce Cat Shedding

Do you already have cats that shed in your home? Although it may be hard to stop your cats from shedding, there are ways to reduce it. Some of them are below; 

1. Regular Brushing

Brushing your cats’ hair will remove loose hair and prevent them from falling off your mats and getting tangled. You can brush them weekly or occasionally for cats who do not shed often. However, if you have cats that shed often, you may need to brush them daily. We recommend that you brush them with a gentle comb.

2. Diet

Your cats’ diet can contribute to how their skin and coat stay healthy. We recommend that you pay attention to what your cats consume.

Specifically, you can give them food rich in omega-3 fatty acids; this can help make their coats better and reduce shedding. We recommend that you do not give them food with artificial colors, and preservations. 

3. Water

Water is an important part of every cat’s health and well-being. To keep your cat’s skin and coat healthy, you must give your cats enough fresh and clean water. 

4. Visit the Vet

A visit to the vet can save you and your cat from a lot of trouble. If you identify that your cat may be shedding too much, we recommend you visit the hospital and consult a vet. 

Final Thoughts 

Cats are amazing pets to have in the home. If you do not want cats that shed in your home for whatever reasons, there is more than one breed of cats that do not shed that you can bring into your home.

Many of them are active, playful, and always ready to engage in your home. If you notice your cat may be shedding more than usual, we recommend you consult a veterinary doctor, who will better diagnose your cat and help it get better. 

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