How Long Can Parakeets Go Without Food?

How Long Can Parakeets Go Without Food

Parakeets are beautiful creatures and can be fun to have or keep as pets. They can be kept on a very low maintenance requirement but they can pose to be a huge level of responsibility sometimes. Like every other animal, parakeets require care and attention for their general well-being.

One of the aspects of care is seeing to their daily feeding requirement so that they can stay healthy for as long as possible. Knowing the proper diet and feeding schedule for your parakeet is very important to make them maintain health and safety.

You may be wondering to know how long parakeets last without eating. Well, in general, parakeets can go without food for about 24 hours. This relatively short length of time is due to its rapid metabolic rate as they tend to quickly burn out energy and calories for the entire day.

Staying without food for long periods can make parakeets become susceptible to illness and if they are not attended to, their condition could worsen which may ultimately lead to death.

So when getting a parakeet, it is very vital you know and understand so much about them. Knowing the length of time they can last without food is very essential. In this way, you can well say you are well-equipped for any conditions associated with owning a parakeet.

This article will make you know and understand more about parakeets. Read on.

Signs That Your Parakeet Is Starving

Parakeets have a unique way of communicating or passing messages across to you to show different moods and expressions. One of these expressions is the show of hunger and starvation.

One of the major signs that parakeets show that they need your attention is head bobbing or constant chirping. This alerts you to its need and wants you to solve its issue immediately by providing food.

Also, when your parakeet constantly and frequently goes to its food bowl to check for food or goes to eat leftovers or unusual things in and around the cage, then it is thoughtful to provide it with food.

Some other times, apart from being manipulative, parakeets can scream when they are starving. The screaming is a sign that it needs some attention and that may give you the notice that it needs food.

What To Do When My Parakeet Is Starving

It is very exciting and fulfilling to see your parakeet welcome you when you come back home. But it can be disturbing to see it showing signs of starvation.

After observing this, it is advisable you provide food for it immediately. Pellets are one of the best options in this situation. They are easy for your parakeet to pick, and very rich in protein and crude fiber that helps in easy digestion. You can rush down to get a suitable pellet for your parakeet in any local pet store near you.

Also, another good option to go for in such a situation is to feed it fruits and/or vegetables. Fruits and vegetables like mango, grapes, apples, carrots, and pumpkins are very essential in rapidly satisfying their nutrient requirement. You can chop them into tiny bits to allow them easily consume the fruit or vegetable.

Grains and other seed-based foods can also be given to them but should be given in little amounts before you get other preferable foods for it that will better help digestion.

Signs That Your Parakeet Is Dehydrated

Dehydration is a condition in parakeets that may most of the time go unnoticed due to their natural small size. However, you can suspect your parakeet is dehydrated if you find it seeking water, sitting at the bottom of the cage, and being lethargic.

Also, wrinkling around the eyes, dull reflection, and sunken eyes are also indicative of dehydration. This can be accompanied by rapid loss of weight that may be very obvious.

To also identify dehydration, the skin becomes dry so when you pull the skin up, it takes a few seconds before it returns back to its normal state. Poor skin rebound is a major sign that your parakeet is dehydrated.

What To Do When Your Parakeet Is Dehydrated

It is very important to know why your parakeet is dehydrated. Dehydration may just be a condition indicating that your parakeet is sick. It is advisable to seek the attention of a veterinarian when you feel this is the case.

Having said that, many other factors may contribute to why your parakeet is dehydrated. Your parakeet may just be turned off from drinking enough water because its water bowl may be smelling or the water is dirty. It is a good and healthy practice to ensure that you wash and clean the water bowl and provide clean drinkable water for it.

Other times, your parakeet may be too sensitive that it may not be comfortable with the spot you placed its drinking water. You may just fix the water bowl a bit higher and find out your parakeet is happy drinking water comfortably from that new spot!

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