Hamster In Shock – What to Do
Seeing their tiny furry family member go into shock is every hamster owner’s worst nightmare. And, as a…
Why Are My Hamsters Balls So Big? Explained
As a veterinarian, funnily enough I am quite often faced with the following question from concerned (or curious)…
Can Micralax Kill A Cat? (Vet Response)
When you own a cat, it is natural to worry about things that have the potential of harming…
How to Stop Dog Shedding Short Hair (Complete Guide)
Sometimes, our furry friends can seem a little too furry! As a vet, I am frequently asked by…
How to Get A Dog Unstoned, According to a Vet
Have you ever met a stoned dog? No? (Good!) Well, I’m a vet, and I have. Dogs become…
Can A Pregnant Dog Jump Around? Is It Safe?
Jumping around when pregnant may not always be safe for your dog. Your dog’s physical exertion level must…
Should I Buy A Puppy With An Underbite? (Vet Answer)
Getting a puppy with an overbite is confusing, but the same goes for puppies with an underbite. Many…
Black Scab On Cat’s Anus (What It Means)
If you’ve noticed a black scab on your cat’s anus you will understandably wonder what this means, and…
How To Handle Razor Burn On Your Dog’s Privates
When it comes to pet grooming and hygiene, it is very important to pay very close to every…
Cat Lethargic After Enema (What To Do)
Enemas are the medical treatment for constipation in our feline family members. Suppose your cat is lethargic after…
Does Lysol Kill Kennel Cough? (Explained)
When your adorable furry companion is down with a kennel cough, you don’t only feel worried for him…
Quicking Dog Nails Under Anesthesia (What To Know)
What is quicking the nails under anesthesia? Each of your dog’s nails, more accurately called claws, is made…
Can Epsom Salts Help To Dry Up Dog’s Milk?
Epsom salts have long been a favorite amongst new mothers (human ones!) for helping to relieve clogged milk…
Big Rope French Bulldog Breeds (All You Need To Know)
For starters, before we dive into Big Rope French bulldogs specifically, let’s take a quick look at the…
Male Cat Leaking Clear Odorless Fluid (What It Means)
Leaking clear fluid from any of these areas can mean several different things, and of course, the first…